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Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference on their journey to build their empire. Here we break down and reveal all the secrets on how to be monumentally productive and scale your business from inception to assertion.

How To Create a Content Calendar That Actually Works
Project Management Teryl Brown Project Management Teryl Brown

How To Create a Content Calendar That Actually Works

If you had told me a few years ago that one of my most treasured tools would be a content calendar, I would have laughed. Organized? Me?

The person who thrived on last-minute inspiration and proudly wore the badge of a creative chaotic? Not likely. But here’s the truth: the journey from content chaos to content clarity is not just about admitting you need help but finding the right kind of help.

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What is a Content Calendar and Why Do You Need One
Content, Project Management Teryl Brown Content, Project Management Teryl Brown

What is a Content Calendar and Why Do You Need One

Have you ever felt like even the idea of planning out your content was too constraining? I was right there with you.

For a long time, I avoided content calendars because I loved having the freedom to switch things up whenever I wanted. The thought of tying myself down to a schedule just didn’t sit well with me—why limit myself when inspiration could strike at any moment?

But then, as my hobby turned into a real business, the downside of not having a plan started to show. My days became a bit chaotic, full of last-minute decisions that felt more stressful than liberating.

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How Content Marketing Works
Content, Entrepreneurship Teryl Brown Content, Entrepreneurship Teryl Brown

How Content Marketing Works

Imagine you’re at a bustling market, where every stall screams for attention, yet one quiet booth at the corner draws a steady stream of engaged visitors. What’s their secret? They’re not just selling products; they’re telling stories. This booth, run by a small local business, understands something crucial: in today’s digital bazaar, content is king.

This is the essence of content marketing—a strategy that’s not about shouting louder than the others but engaging prospective customers with the stories they want to hear, solutions they need, and content they choose to engage with. By mastering the basics of content marketing, you can transform how you connect with your customers.

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How to Write Quality Blog Posts Effectively
Content, Project Management, Blogging Teryl Brown Content, Project Management, Blogging Teryl Brown

How to Write Quality Blog Posts Effectively

Writing a blog post can be intimidating. Writing is a highly personal process, often with a lot of weight on it. We don’t want to be constantly judged for our technique, ability, or style.

Writers are a notoriously sensitive bunch, regardless of if their medium is novels, songs, or blog posts. We are terrified of poor reviews, and our egos are easily bruised.

So why should you ignore all of this and delve into the world of blogging? Because the benefits are so great, and your help and insight are desperately desired…

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Syncing your Systems for Cohesive Workflow Management

Syncing your Systems for Cohesive Workflow Management

As an entrepreneur, you are constantly juggling a thousand tasks.  This is especially true if you are starting out solo.  The best strategy for staying on track and meeting your deadlines is to have a cohesive strategy for your workflow process.

You don't necessarily need fancy workflow tools to start out.  I have an easy-to-use workflow template that you can print off or use digitally.  The rest of the tools you will already have on hand.

By synching your systems and creating a streamlined workflow, you will easily batch tasks and finish them faster than expected.  This way, you can get ahead of your responsibilities as a content creator so you can get to the fun parts of running your business. 

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How to Easily Break Up a Big Project into Manageable Pieces

How to Easily Break Up a Big Project into Manageable Pieces

Life as a solopreneur is a never-ending cycle of massive project after massive project. Blog posts, podcasts, YouTube, and product launches are examples of different projects you undertake daily or weekly. Of course, some of these tasks are bigger than others but what they all have in common is that to complete them efficiently, you have to have a systemic approach to tackle and complete them.

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